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Class Inheritance in QML

By: Brad

One of the first questions I hear once people start using QML is if there is a way to do class inheritance in QML. Its an understandable question; as you start using QML you’ll undoubtedly find your self writing components that have comment elements and want to find a way to reduce duplicate code.

First I was answering that question with no sorry, can’t be done. I did however noticed that Composition was possible. The other day however I kind of had an ah ha moment and realized that yes QML elements can employ both is a and has a constructs.

Has A: Composition

In QML Composition is the name of the game; that is any element in QML by nature of the declarative language can have internally other elements. A super element can be created by consuming child elements to create new functionality.

SuperElement.qml – SuperElement has a BaseElement
Item {
    BaseElement {
        color: "blue"
    Text {...}
    Rectangle {...}

Here the new element, SuperElement is a composition of a BaseElement, Text element and a Rectangle element; in other words the SuperElement has a BaseElement, has a Text element, and has a Rectangle element. Thus providing consumers with something new that extends the functionality of the BaseElement.

Is A: Inheritance

In QML Inheritance can be achieved by instead of having the child element contain a base element have it be the base element that gets extended by the child element script. That is new functionally can be created by having a child element extend the base element.

ChildElement.qml – ChildElement is a BaseElement
BaseElement {
    color: "blue"
    Text {...}
    Rectangle {...}    

Here the new element, ChildElement is a BaseElement; however, it extends the Baseelement by adding a Text element and a Rectangle element. Thus providing consumers with something new that extends the functionality of the BaseElement.

So there you have it QML does in fact support both Composition and class inheritance; it might be a subtle difference in the code but does make a big difference conceptually.

Until next time think imaginatively and design creatively


My interest in computer programming started back in high school and Software Development has remained a hobby of mine ever since. I graduated as a Computer Engineering Technologist and have been working as a Software Developer for many years. I believe that software is crafted; understanding that how it is done is as important as getting it done. I enjoy the aesthetics in crafting elegant solutions to complex problems and revel in the knowledge that my code is maintainable and thus, will have longevity. I hold the designation Certified Technician (C.Tech.) with the Ontario Association of Computer Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT), have been certified as a Professional Scrum Master level 1 (PSM I) and as a Professional Scrum Developer level 1 (PSD I) by as well as designated as an Officially Certified Qt Developer by the Qt Company. For more on my story check out the about page here

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